Associate Professors

Useful Information
  •  +39 0984/494640
  •  +39 0984/494640
  •  [email protected]
  •  Cube 45C- 4th floor
Office Hours

Please contact the Professor by phone or by email or you can stop directly in the office

AMBROGIO Giuseppina
After a short experience as a Business Analyst for ELSAG Domino company (FINMECCANICA Group) Giuseppina received her PhD in “Manufacturing Engineering” at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Calabria in 2005. She discussed her thesis on the “Study of innovative sheet metal forming processes by experimental and numerical approaches”. She became Assistant Professor in 2005 at the University of Calabria where she still follows her research activities, mainly focused on the investigation of innovative sheet forming processes.
Selected Publications

Energy consumption and CO2 emissions of joining processes for manufacturing hybrid structures, Gagliardi, F., Palaia, D., Ambrogio, G. - 2019 Journal of Cleaner Production 228, pp. 425-436
3D numerical analyses of SPIF performed on tailored sheets to control their thinning, Serratore, G., Gagliardi, F., Filice, L., Bentrovato, R., Ambrogio, G. - AIP Conference Proceedings 2113,170014
Feasibility analysis of hot incremental sheet forming process on thermoplastics, Ambrogio, G., Gagliardi, F., Conte, R., Russo, P. - 2019 International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology102(1-4), pp. 937-947

Lines of Research

Study and optimization of sheet metal forming processes.
Process parameters optimisation for the effi ciency enhancing of Incremental Sheet Metal Forming process.
Artifi cial intelligence model defi nition for process performance detection.
Design and optimization of innovative extrusion processes.
Multiobjective model design for industrial problem solving.
Sustainability analysis of metal forming processes.
Energy effi ciency analysis of metal forming processes.
Environmental impact evaluation of innovative and conventional manufacturing technologies.
Process parameters optimisation for reducing the quantity of green gas emission in the manufacturing sector.
Optimization of secondary deformation processes of polymer matrix composite materials.

Thesis Proposals and Topics
Several topics are currently available. Interested students are suggested to drop by during office hours.