Technical Administrative Staff
SALERNO Stefania
The Department Secretary coordinates the administrative, accounting and financial activities of the department through the following requirements:
- plans the use of the resources assigned on the basis of the University's programming lines and based on the needs of the structure;
- collaborates in the formation process of the single University Budget;
- transmits the final document to the Central Administration containing information on the activity carried out during the year and on the resources used to allow the preparation of the single University financial statements and the management report;
- stipulates the contracts and conventions approved by the Department Council, within the limits of the Department's budget availability and according to the provisions of the internal Regulations;
- manages revenue (University funding for ordinary operation, funding for scientific research from MIUR and / or other public and private entities, including through the stipulation of contracts or agreements) and expenses for ordinary operation and maintenance , for investments, equipment and furnishings and for scientific research, through the formulation of orders to external companies, stipulation of self-employment contracts, ancillary payments to staff, etc.);
- guarantees the support and instruction of the practices concerning the institutional activity of the Director and the collegial bodies of the Department (Junta and Council).
- plans the use of the resources assigned on the basis of the University's programming lines and based on the needs of the structure;
- collaborates in the formation process of the single University Budget;
- transmits the final document to the Central Administration containing information on the activity carried out during the year and on the resources used to allow the preparation of the single University financial statements and the management report;
- stipulates the contracts and conventions approved by the Department Council, within the limits of the Department's budget availability and according to the provisions of the internal Regulations;
- manages revenue (University funding for ordinary operation, funding for scientific research from MIUR and / or other public and private entities, including through the stipulation of contracts or agreements) and expenses for ordinary operation and maintenance , for investments, equipment and furnishings and for scientific research, through the formulation of orders to external companies, stipulation of self-employment contracts, ancillary payments to staff, etc.);
- guarantees the support and instruction of the practices concerning the institutional activity of the Director and the collegial bodies of the Department (Junta and Council).